Job Type: Other
Contract Type: Freelance
Job Location: Brussels
Sector: Logistic
Languages: EN & (FR or NL)
Duration (min): 6 months
- Copywriting skills with proven experience for conversations design for chatbots
- Native FR or EN, with good knowledge of the other language (+ NL) to be able to proofread in the other language
- Technical experience with chatbot design tools or a fundamentally good technical base for understanding similar technologies. Experience with MS Power Virtual agents is a plus
- Experience with MSFT Power Virtual Agents (or other chatbot design tools)
- Analytical skills to interpret logical flows using parameters are a plus
- Eye for user experience, able to think outside-in
- Strong communicator
- Experience with virtual collaboration/whiteboarding tools (miro, Figjam) to draw flows
- Well organized and structured to manage different versions of feedback in 3 languages
- Eye for detail and delivers qualitative results against strict deadlines
- Able to collaborate and lead discussions with business stakeholders for info-gathering and validations
- Team player
- Used to working in agile mode
- Will have to coordinate the actions of the various stakeholders to anticipate potential bottlenecks and prevent a missing element from blocking the rest of the process
We use the pronoun « they » or « the candidate » wherever possible to include all individuals when talking about candidates, regardless of their gender identity. We believe that everyone should be treated with respect, regardless of their gender identity.